The title says it all! This 152-page collection reprints the bulk of MOORDAM CHRISTMAS COMICS, contains new El Mucho Grande, Suicide Blonde, Itsi Kitsi, and a Mr. Beat Meets the Hoon story PLUS an unadvertised reprinting of 2 classic Walt Kelly Santa Claus stories from the 1940s! WOW!
This rare Mid-Ohio-Con preview ashcan was created to promote the all-new Santo adventure comic but sadly is all that exists of the series when it got shelved at the last moment! 32 pages written by Yambar with art by Broderick and inks by Ken Wheaton. Contains the entire interior guts of the first issue plus a sketch gallery and the cover art for the second issue. Limited to only 150 signed and #d copies worldwide
Y’know when Homer throws that radioactive isotope out of his car window during the opening sequence of every Simpsons TV episode? Well, Yambar tells you what happens to it in ‘The Supercat of Springfield’! And Dr. Colossus turns up, too!
152 pages of things that go bump in the night! In addition to Yambar and Broderick’s El Mucho Grande and Suicide Blonde material, this issue contains the very first appearance of Krause and Yambar’s creepy little witch sisters: Spells! You’ll also find a gaggle of other independent creators lurking about including Bocianowski’s Chuck The Ugly American who takes Mr. Beat on a whole new trick or treating adventure!
152 pages of Courageous Man collected reprints by our good friend, George Broderick, Jr.! Includes the 6-page ‘Mr.Beat vs.The Fellonious Monk’ story! Published by Comic Library International. SOLD OUT! (To obtain copies of COURAGEOUS MAN, GIGGLE FACTORY, and other books of highbrow hijacks go to
This edition from Comic Library International has 152 pages featuring Mr.Beat team ups including many which are hard to find for even the most avid fan! There’s Roswell-Little Green Man, 40 Winks, Elfquest, Betty Page, and 12 other comic guests, too! Wait until you see the big showdown between Mr.Beat and ‘Too Much Corporate Coffee Man’!
This edition of SFA SPOTLIGHT features the return of Atomic Mouse! He’s bigger and bulkier that his previous Charlton comics version, but he’s just as much fun! Yambar and Broderick contribute an 11-page story that pits Atomic against superhero wannabes , The Party Pooper and Gameboy. 64 pages of furry fun from Shanda Fantasy Arts.
Yambar’s Mr. Beat trucks across the covers of this freebie flip book comic while his nephew Bambeano Boy makes a short story reprint appearance on the inside. Published by SCM (Sunday Comics Ministries).
152 pages of robots, ray guns, and unearthly excitement including the first appearances of Yambar and Broderick’s El Mucho Grande and Suicide Blonde (a kick-ass mercenary space chick with an addiction to chocolate and a robot sidekick who can become any weapon she desires) . 20 other creators join in the fun including Derek Drymon, Bill Morrison, Dan Decarlo, Steve Conley, and Aaron Bordner.
128 pages of holy hijinks collected from issues of CLI #s 1 - 5 including 45 new pages by Yambar and inker Don Pedicini, Jr., and a red hot intro by Ren and Stimpy artist Mike Kazaleh!
152 pages. Highlights: 1st appearances of Broderick’s Runs With Scissors Boy, Fearless Frog, and Minnie and Maxie; 1st Baltazar appearance of Squatch, Polly Keener’s Hamster Alley, Yambar’s Itsi Kitsi - Happy Adventure Cat. Additional creators: Drymon, Alexander, Krause, Bocianowski.
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